AS WE HEAD INTO THIS upcoming season of giving thanks, direct sellers have much gratitude in our hearts.
I look back on these past 23 months and consider just how much has changed: so many of us have grown, and we have extended our hands to help others by sharing our collective strength. Sadly, many have faced personal loss, and the tragedy of these past months is something we stand before with humility and awe.
But even in light of all this, I know that who we are as direct sellers has not changed: our community’s resilience has given us even greater strength, and together we look toward the horizon of what is yet to come.
DSA’s most recent Growth & Outlook Survey noted that participation in the direct selling channel grew by 13.2 percent in 2020. 7.7 million entrepreneurs now participate in direct selling on a part-time or full-time basis. The direct selling channel generated $40.1 billion in retail sales in 2020—this up 13.9 percent from the previous year. Demand for products made by our channel’s brands has grown. There were 41.6 million preferred customers and discount buyers purchasing through the direct sales channel, with notable growth coming from preferred customers.
We have worked hard, and we have stuck together. Indeed, direct selling is in a position of strength, and more feel the need to be a part of DSA.
DSA will offer an even bigger tent for meeting the needs of companies and individual executives, even when they don’t fit the requirements of traditional direct selling categories.
The Associate engagement category allows individuals formerly employed by a DSA member company to continue participating in DSA activities to remain close to their peers and current with the channel’s developments. Similarly, the Affiliate engagement category allows individuals currently employed by nonDSA member direct selling companies that are otherwise eligible for DSA membership to engage with DSA as their company considers full membership for a year.
As direct selling companies from outside the U.S. seek to benefit from DSA’s vast experience and resources, the Global Membership allows companies from across the world the opportunity to tap into the over 100 years of U.S. DSA experience. Global Associates will have access to all of the research services, educational resources, and networking opportunities enjoyed by full-active DSA members, as well as discounted registration for DSA event registration and unlimited access to the members-only section of the DSA website.
Organizations that share DSA’s dedication to and protecting independent contractor’s ability to build a business that doesn’t otherwise follow the direct selling model can benefit from the Association’s experience and insights as a Corporate Affiliate. Loyal DSA Supplier Partners can continue to participate at the Basic Supplier Partner Level or become Premium Supplier Partners to access a broader range of activities.
Please direct any questions regarding these participant categories to Nancy M. Burke, Vice President Membership, DSA, at
As we look toward Thanksgiving 2021, we do so with mindfulness for our blessings: a community whose resilience and adaptability have enabled our channel to thrive and those whose ceaseless and selfless work has enabled us to maintain our daily life during the pandemic’s ups and downs.
To all, have a Happy Thanksgiving.

JOSEPH N. MARIANO is the President of the U.S. Direct Selling Association and the Direct Selling Education Foundation.
From the November 2021 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.