Kannaway, a subsidiary of Medical Marijuana, Inc., received Certified Drug Free approval from the Banned Substances Control Group (BSCG) for its broad-spectrum CBD product Pure Gold. This third-party certification provides a stamp of approval for Pure Gold, proving that the product meets quality specifications and is not contaminated with drugs or agents that could lead to […]

Kannaway, a subsidiary of Medical Marijuana, Inc. announced it has submitted a Novel Foods application for its CBD products to the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) through the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) Novel Foods Consortium. “We are witnessing a pivotal moment in history when the global appetite for free access to CBD for all […]

Medical Marijuana, Inc. CEO Dr. Stuart Titus has been awarded the 2020 Best Business Leader in the United States by Global Brands Magazine. This is the eighth edition of the awards which recognizes companies that demonstrate exceptional service and unique vision. “While I am certainly honored to receive this award, I want to thank my […]

Medical Marijuana, Inc., the first publicly traded company in the U.S., announced its third quarter financial and operational highlights. The company generated $12.2 million in net revenue—an 11.25 percent increase compared to the previous quarter. “Our international expansion is forging ahead with full force and we will continue to further establish our company’s products as […]

Medical Marijuana, Inc. announced that its subsidiary Kannaway® has officially entered the U.S. cannabinol (CBN) market with the release of two new CBN isolate products. Not to be confused with cannabidiol (CBD), which has gained significant popularity over the past few years, CBN is another non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Like the company’s full-spectrum CBD products, […]

Kannaway has been named a winner in the 12th Annual 2020 Golden Bridge Business and Innovation Awards, the world’s premier business awards program. Kannaway and its executives earned two prestigious Golden Bridge Awards. CEO Blake Schroeder earned a Gold Award in the Maverick of the Year category. The award organizers specifically recognized Schroeder for his […]

Medical Marijuana, Inc. announced that it has reached a two-year milestone for long-term stability testing on its flagship THC-free cannabidiol (CBD) oil product. The stability study was conducted on Real Scientific Hemp Oil-X™ (RSHO-X™) in strict compliance with FDA/ICH guidelines (Q1A-R2) and was outsourced to one of the most qualified cGLP/cGMP compliant Contract Research Organizations (CROs) […]

Medical Marijuana, Inc. announced that the company and its subsidiary Kannaway® have received two prestigious CEO World Awards in the 8th Annual 2020 CEO World Awards. Kannaway CEO Blake Schroeder was honored with a Silver Award for Top CEO of the Year – The Maverick for his efforts in leading the company’s international expansion throughout recent years. […]

Medical Marijuana, Inc. recently announced the expansion of its production and warehouse facility. The Company has added 1,100 square feet of production area to its 16,000-square-foot facility. The facility continues to meet cGMP requirements and is registered with the FDA as well as the local authorities. The expansion will further vertically integrate the Company’s supply chain, enabling […]

Medical Marijuana, Inc. announced net revenue of $10.9 million for the second quarter ending June 30, 2020, down for $13.3 million in Q1 2020. “As the world navigates the financial and logistical burden of the COVID-19 pandemic, our portfolio of companies has continued to not only operate, but innovate, adapt and expand,” said Medical Marijuana, Inc. CEO […]

Kannaway parent company Medical Marijuana, Inc. announced net revenue of $75.6 million for 2019, a 26.3 percent increase from $59.8 million in 2018. “In 2019, Medical Marijuana, Inc. and its subsidiaries continued to execute on our strategic growth and fiscal responsibility action plan that rendered our best results yet and I could not be more excited […]

Renowned wellness expert and Certified Nutrition Coach Daniel Miller has joined Medical Marijuana, Inc. subsidiary Kannaway® as a company spokesman. Miller, in partnership with Kannaway, has created the world’s first cannabis fitness program and is developing a new fitness-based product line to support that program. “Kannaway aims to provide consumers from all areas of life around the […]