Each year, the Bravo Awards Panel recognizes companies for the highest revenue growth year-over year with the Bravo Growth Award. For the second year in a row, eXp Realty was a recipient in the services category. Their growth in recent years has been staggering. In fact, they are one of the fastest growing global cloud-based companies in the world.
PM-International’s staggering growth earns the company their first ever DSN International Growth Award.
No one could have predicted the upheaval that 2020 would bring. And while eXp Realty Founder Glenn Sanford couldn’t have known to prepare for a global pandemic, he did know to prepare for uncertainty.
D. Gary Young, who passed away on May 12, 2018, was the amalgam of a life spent overcoming tremendous adversity—poverty, disabling injury, ridicule and a harsh upbringing fostered in him an unstoppable desire to help others in need. Through Young Living, the company that he and wife, Mary, founded in 1994, Gary Young built a […]
One of the aspects we cherish most about the direct selling community is its joining together under a common goal. No matter what, everyone pulls together in support of this growing family. This particular time of year is all about celebration and this spirit of comradery, as we prepare for our annual Global 100 awards […]
Direct selling prides itself on outstanding service, personalization and extensive support when it concerns the relationship between independent salespeople and their customers. We’re in the people business of course. But who makes up the backbone of this channel when it comes to engaging the sales field, fulfilling orders, planning events, manufacturing products and all of […]
There has been a remarkable story unfolding at It Works! over the past few years.