Working Smart
Working Smart articles are written by a supplier company, contributor or consultant, these thought leadership pieces highlight the expertise and experience of the author.

Working Smart
BY DSN Staff
January 02, 2010
When it kicks on, you can tell.
Before, there is only silence. Silver rollers lay dormant. Boxes sit frozen on a long blue track. Computers blink as the circuitry stays in a holding pattern. Products remain tucked together on racks of pallets. There’s a hush over the 20,000 square feet of smooth concrete where USANA’s new shipping line lies in waiting—primed, ready.

Working Smart
BY DSN Staff
December 01, 2009
In the first part of this series, we described the various ways your company, your salesforce and your good will can be at risk on the Internet.

Working Smart
BY DSN Staff
December 01, 2009
Engagement with social media is becoming a critical factor in a company’s growth and sustainability. Our next generation of consultants and sales leaders finds communicating online more natural than speaking on the telephone.

Working Smart
BY DSN Staff
November 03, 2009
The goal of leadership is to produce superior results on purpose, making leadership a results contest.

Working Smart
BY DSN Staff
November 03, 2009
I was coaching a top party-plan sales leader recently, and she e-mailed me to ask if I would give her my opinion regarding the best use of her time. As a wife and mother (who home-schools her children) she is a master at organizing her personal life: assigning specific days for various home responsibilities, making sure her spouse and children get deserved attention, even squeezing in daily exercise. She also doesn’t hesitate to delegate—in both her personal and business life.

Working Smart
BY DSN Staff
October 02, 2009
I have a good friend who has a hobby—well, more like a single-minded passion—for target shooting. As I’ve watched him over the years, I’ve often thought how MLM compensation plans are like target shooting. To make the analogy work for network marketing, picture a side-by-side double-barreled shotgun and two targets—one for enrollers and the other for sales leaders.
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