Forward Thinking
Forward Thinking stories are concise, straightforward takes on the culture, events and technology that shape the channel. They explore everything from social media and tools to incentives and innovations.

Forward Thinking
BY DSN Staff
August 01, 2019
More than half of America is on board with podcasts. But what does it mean for direct selling? Video may be taking over the internet, but voice and audio are carving out a huge piece of the future of online marketing. With the rise of voice-activated assistant devices such as Amazon Eco and Google Home, […]

Forward Thinking
BY DSN Staff
August 01, 2019
Does influencer marketing have a place in direct sales? The concept of working with celebrities to promote brands is evolving into highly targeted campaigns with online influencers. Influencer marketing is now big business, and according to the experts, it is only going to grow. What’s Happening: While consumer buying habits continue to evolve along with […]

Forward Thinking
BY DSN Staff
July 01, 2019
Tokenization and blockchain technology may be the future of data security and payment speed. As technology continues to evolve along with buying experiences, one of the ongoing challenges for direct selling companies is providing faster and more secure payment processing solutions, both for the customer and the distributor. In direct selling, companies and pay system […]

Forward Thinking
BY Ben Gamse
July 01, 2019
DSA’s 2019 Growth & Outlook Survey results were just released, and after two years of modest decline, direct selling returned to growth, achieving $35.4 billion in estimated retail sales. Riding on the tailwinds of strong macroeconomic conditions, the direct selling channel is well-positioned to achieve accelerated and sustained growth if it addresses the following: Revisiting […]

Forward Thinking
BY DSN Staff
July 01, 2019
Amway’s XS Center for Optimal Fun immerses visitors in adventure and fun. Brand experience is a term loosely thrown around in the direct selling industry. Maybe it’s hard to define, or maybe it’s undervalued. Creating opportunities for customers and distributors spread across the country or around the globe isn’t easy to execute, but it can […]

Forward Thinking
BY DSN Staff
May 01, 2019
Proximity marketing has evolved for direct sellers. Proximity marketing continues to be a hot and evolving technology. In February, noted an extensive study that estimated proximity marketing to reach $52 billion worldwide by 2023. But is it a viable tool for your distributors to attract a specific audience? Essentially, proximity marketing lets you market […]
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