Herbalife released its second global sustainability report, titled Global Sustainability Report: Live Your Best Life. The report highlights the company’s efforts and achievements across its three areas of priority, including quality product, healthy people and communities, and a thriving planet. These strategies are informed by stakeholder priorities, enterprise risks and is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In 2021-2022, Herbalife launched 27 new products and partnered with more than 20 health and wellness programs and nonprofits to improve the lives of people around the globe. To protect the planet, the company converted its Costa Rica office space to solar power and improved efficiencies in its facilities in China, the U.S. and Mexico. Additionally, the company recycled 5,475 metric tons of plastic and materials and removed 322 metric tons of “virgin plastic” from product packaging.
“Herbalife is built on a proud legacy of helping people live their best lives and today this purpose is more important than ever,” said Michael Johnson, Herbalife Chairman and CEO. “As we look to the future, we are modernizing our business to meet the needs of our distributors, customers, employees, investors, and communities, while meeting our commitments to sustainable and integrated business practices and products that improve the overall health of our communities and the impact on our planet.”