More than 1,000 independent salespeople have joined the United Kingdom Direct Selling Association (UK DSA) Social Selling Academy, which provides information and education for people running their own direct selling or direct-to-consumer (D2C) business through an online platform or mobile app.

In an online survey conducted by the Direct Selling Association for the United Kingdom, 29% of direct selling consultants working with DSA member companies reported that financial pressures and the rising cost of living sparked their interest in direct selling, with half a million launching their businesses in the last two years.

New data from the UK Direct Selling Association (DSA) highlights a significant increase in the number of people joining direct selling brands during the first quarter of 2023. During this time, there was a 36.4% boost, which the association attributes primarily to the pressures of inflation, the rising cost of living and the need for people to find flexible ways to increase their household income.