Mary Kay Inc. hosted its 60th annual Seminar Conference in Dallas, welcoming nearly 14,000 independent distributors at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. To date, the brand’s 60 years of seminars has generated an estimated $4.3 million in local tax revenue and supported more than 17,000 local jobs.

The Power of Prioritizing Others Though he never worked with her directly, Nathan Moore was deeply impacted by Mary Kay Ash and the values she imparted into her namesake business. As a teenager, his friend’s father worked directly for Mary Kay Ash and spoke highly of her—as a person, leader and co-worker. Nathan remembered that positive impression when he […]

Direct Selling News held its 15th Global Celebration event on Wednesday, April 3, 2024 in Irving, Texas to recognize and celebrate the best of direct selling. Hundreds of people representing over 115 companies around the world attended in person.

At the DSN Global Celebration, Direct Selling News honored executives and companies for outstanding achievement and excellence in areas of innovation, impact, growth, global good and more. This year, the Global Celebration bestowed more Bravo Awards than ever before.

Mary Kay Inc. has been named the #1 Direct Selling Brand of Skin Care and Color Cosmetics in the World by Euromonitor International, a global market research analysis and consumer insight organization that has more than 50 years of experience conducting research across more than 100 countries.

In honor of its 60th anniversary celebration, Mary Kay Inc. welcomed almost 20,000 Independent Beauty Consultants at its annual Seminar Conference in Dallas, which began July 22 and will run through August 6. Overall, including the participants’ 22,000 combined hotel room stays, the event is expected to generate an estimated $34.1 million for the local economy of North Texas.

Mary Kay Inc. is ramping up to celebrate its 60th anniversary in September by encouraging independent beauty consultants from around the world to share their stories online using the hashtag #MaryKay60.

Thankfully, direct sellers have made impressive strides in recent years, and some companies are truly changing the narrative by taking ownership and course correcting toward more customer centricity, better efficacy and next-level customer experience initiatives.

Some of the industry’s most powerful and esteemed leaders came together to share their proven business strategies and cast vision for the future of the channel.

Mary Kay Inc. is holding its annual Leadership Conference Jan. 12–16 at the Orange County Convention Center. With iconic, traffic-stopping Mary Kay pink Cadillacs rolling into Florida along with an estimated 6,800 leading Mary Kay independent sales force members, the city of Orlando turns pink for the global cosmetics company’s annual Leadership Conference. Each year, Mary […]

Mary Kay Inc. is holding its annual Leadership Conference Jan. 12–16 at the Orange County Convention Center. With iconic, traffic-stopping Mary Kay pink Cadillacs rolling into Florida along with an estimated 6,800 leading Mary Kay independent sales force members, the city of Orlando turns pink for the global cosmetics company’s annual Leadership Conference. Each year, Mary […]

Dallas, Texas-based Mary Kay Inc. will commemorate the centennial anniversary of Mary Kay Ash’s birthday by hosting a leadership symposium benefiting The Mary Kay Foundation. The event, “Leading with Authenticity and Purpose: The Timeless Leadership Lessons of Mary Kay Ash,” will be held on May 2. The symposium panel will feature Mary Kay Inc. executives […]