On January 24, in a letter to their ambassador community, Epicure Founder and Owner Sylvie Rochette announced that Epicure would cease operations immediately.

The heartaches suffered, hurdles cleared and groundwork laid by direct selling’s extraordinary founding sisters are but one turn of a spinning wheel of inspiration. The next empowering turn comes from the bold, creative and tenacious spirits of these 35 current day female founders, whose modern leadership and vision reflects many of the ideals and principles of their predecessors.

Epicure’s Chief Executive Officer, Amelia Warren, has been honored by the annual leadership award Canada’s Top 40 Under 40, announced in the National Post.

More than 30 speakers shared tangible action plans for how the industry’s leaders can continue to grow and adapt in the face of this year’s enduring challenges.

Whether you’re back in the office or working from home, pre-dinner chaos seems to be a constant in kitchens across the continent. The quick options are never healthy and the healthy options are never quick. Canadian party plan company Epicure knows the secret to have both—and it’s all in the ingredients. Solving The Dinner Dilemma Since 1997 As a […]