The Direct Selling Association led its Women’s Entrepreneurship Roundtable Series for the fifth year, hosted by SeneGence Founder Joni Rogers-Kante and featuring an in-person meeting with Representative Kevin Hern (R-OK).

In a new survey (PDF file), Franchise Insights, a unit of FranchiseVentures, found that majority (73%) of would-be entrepreneurs agree that “now is a good time to start a business.” The study, called the Small Business Startup Sentiment Index, was conducted February 24-28, 2022, and illustrated that even the turmoil of the invasion of Ukraine […]

Colorado, California and Washington have the ingredients to help make a successful female entrepreneur, according to the third annual definitive ranking from FitSmallBusiness.com. In this year’s report, it’s all about the “balance” or more specifically, the winning combo: strong economic incentives AND a female-friendly business environment. Some states which were ranked low in years past, […]

Colorado, California and Washington have the ingredients to help make a successful female entrepreneur, according to the third annual definitive ranking from FitSmallBusiness.com. In this year’s report, it’s all about the “balance” or more specifically, the winning combo: strong economic incentives AND a female-friendly business environment. Some states which were ranked low in years past, […]

The Direct Selling Association (DSA) announced today that it supports enactment of the Preserving Direct Seller Independence Act of 2018, H.R. 7029. Introduced by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), the legislation would clearly define direct sellers as independent contractors under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) consistent with the Internal Revenue Service Code. DSA President Joseph N. Mariano […]

Tupperware Brands, the Orlando, Florida-based direct seller of storage and serving solutions and personal care products, recently announced that it is expanding its Global Links program into Brazil. The program, which is in partnership with Rollins College and the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Global Women’s Issues, is designed to build capacity for women’s […]

The Salt Lake City area is home to several highly successful direct selling companies. Now, a new report by LendingTree®, the nation’s leading online loan marketplace, says the Utah capital is also the No. 1 city when it comes to young entrepreneurs. The study compared ages of business founders on their companies’ dates of origination […]

The Direct Selling Association (DSA) Annual Meeting’s general sessions kicked off today with a focus on sharing best practices for the direct selling industry and exploring new ways to continue developing “America’s Original Entrepreneurs.” The event will run through tomorrow at the Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina in San Diego. “Direct selling is poised to be […]

Euromonitor International’s 2017 Global Consumer Trends Survey shows that nearly 50 percent of respondents across all generations aspire to be self-employed, showing a growing trend towards this adaptive entrepreneurial lifestyle. Consumers are increasingly seeking flexibility in their lifestyles and are prepared to take risks. Millennials especially have an entrepreneurial nature, shifting away from the traditional […]

…That which we call a rose; By any other name would smell as sweet… —William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet Names are essential: They carry meaning derived from the legacy of past actions and an ability to reliably deliver. While names conjure an image that may be easily recognizable, looks alone can deceive. Even Shakespeare notes […]

Nyla and Noelle, a social selling direct seller based in Richmond, Virginia, opened in April 2017. The new clothing company allows entrepreneurs looking for a career in fashion to run their own clothing and accessory boutique from home. Nyla and Noelle supplies its Curators, as independent business owners are called, with dresses, tops, skirts, pants, […]