Utility Warehouse (UW) was named a Which? Recommended Provider for Energy Companies 2025. UW scored five out of five stars for overall customer service as well as accuracy of payments, and received four-star ratings for all other assessment categories, including ease of contacting, usefulness of communications about price changes, clear statements, value for money and customer communications.

“Being rated by Which? as a Recommended Provider is a huge milestone for us, and it’s great to see our efforts recognized like this,” said Stuart Burnett, Utility Warehouse CEO. “We’re proud to champion a better way and offer a real alternative to the status quo. Our business is built on putting people first—giving our customers peace of mind through exceptional value and outstanding service from people who genuinely care.”
UW is only one of three companies in the UK to be named to the Which? list in 2025. The company remains on track to double in size to two million customers in the medium term.