In its 2021 Social Impact and Sustainability Report, Nu Skin shared its progress toward its environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities, including its sustainability commitments and global giving efforts.
The company’s philanthropic organization, The Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation, in particular, has generously supported health and wellness projects that benefit hundreds of thousands of children and has helped preserve more than 1.4 million acres of natural habitats.
“At Nu Skin, we are passionate about our mission to be a global force for good,” said Ruth Todd, Nu Skin Chief Reputation Officer. “In 2021, we made progress on our sustainability commitments worldwide and built lasting partnerships that lift global communities. We look forward to further enhancing our efforts and continuing to have a greater impact on those in need.”
Additional highlights in the report include:
- The reduction and savings of 131 tons of plastic and 34.4 tons of paper through redesigned packaging
- 70-75% of the company’s ingredient portfolio achieves RSPO certification (mass balance)
- Donations benefited more than 50 million people in more than 35 countries worldwide
- More than $8.5 million in donations benefited individuals and organizations in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Pacific
- More than 750 meals were purchased and donated to children in more than 65 countries through the company’s for-profit Nourish the Children initiative