The RYTHM Foundation, QNET’s corporate social responsibility initiative, was recognized by the CSR Times Awards with a Silver Award in the Livelihood category.
The winning project, titled Economic Empowerment of Women in Eastern India through Microenterprises, began in 2018 in a partnership with the Parinaama Development Foundation. Through their collaborative efforts, the organizations have helped almost 10,000 women in rural Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha by helping them set up their own microenterprises. Women participants were trained with the relevant technical and business skills necessary to develop a microenterprise and each state established self-help groups to guide the women to economic independence.
“This project is poised to sustain itself beyond the funding from RYTHM Foundation thanks to rapport building efforts with the community,” said Santhi Periasamy, the Head of RYTHM Foundation. “Building a network of female entrepreneurs and clients ensures that the women will stick together to enable the efficient operations of the microenterprises in the long run. The program has also established production spaces and marketing links to further assure the sustainability of their enterprises.”