The heartaches suffered, hurdles cleared and groundwork laid by direct selling’s extraordinary founding sisters are but one turn of a spinning wheel of inspiration. The next empowering turn comes from the bold, creative and tenacious spirits of these 35 current day female founders, whose modern leadership and vision reflects many of the ideals and principles of their predecessors.

A new study is quantifying the direct selling industry’s impact on the economy of Utah, a measurement that has never before been documented. In An Economic Analysis of Utah’s Direct Selling Industry, a 24-page white paper authored by Senior Research Economist Levi Pace for the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute at the University of Utah, Pace details 19 months of data collection and surveys.

Many of these young game changers grew up within the industry, either as distributors or as children of industry legends, and so carry the advantage of history as well. As a result, they are well‑versed on the value of compensation plans and distributor engagement, but also know how to leverage and embrace social media and digital footprints.

The company was founded in 2017 around four pillars or priorities that continue to inspire the Bradleys and their team today: community, activity, uplift and light.