Building a brand isn’t just about creating great products. Today’s consumer is bombarded with an ever-increasing selection of merchandise, and while more choices can be valuable, too many choices ultimately lead to what behavioral psychologists call “decision fatigue.” Search after search on Amazon for the perfect product makes the brain tired and ultimately decreases the […]

DSA’s 2019 Growth & Outlook Survey results were just released, and after two years of modest decline, direct selling returned to growth, achieving $35.4 billion in estimated retail sales. Riding on the tailwinds of strong macroeconomic conditions, the direct selling channel is well-positioned to achieve accelerated and sustained growth if it addresses the following: Revisiting […]

The Salt Lake City area is home to several highly successful direct selling companies. Now, a new report by LendingTree®, the nation’s leading online loan marketplace, says the Utah capital is also the No. 1 city when it comes to young entrepreneurs. The study compared ages of business founders on their companies’ dates of origination […]