The heartaches suffered, hurdles cleared and groundwork laid by direct selling’s extraordinary founding sisters are but one turn of a spinning wheel of inspiration. The next empowering turn comes from the bold, creative and tenacious spirits of these 35 current day female founders, whose modern leadership and vision reflects many of the ideals and principles of their predecessors.

2021 was a landmark year for direct selling on many fronts. This post is the second in a series of articles looking back on 2021 and looking ahead to 2022.

DSN in partnership with Transformation Capital released the February Digital Momentum Index. Exiting the holidays, the full 100-company list saw increases in average monthly fan/follow growth and engagement across both platforms (Facebook and Instagram). Additionally, February saw an average increase in web traffic. January’s publication received significant international attention, and we are very excited to […]

For the past few months, you have seen in the magazine our DSN Digital 100—a comprehensive ranking revealing the social media reach and engagement of top direct selling companies. Four categories include social media size, social media engagement, 30-day unique visitors and 30-day pageviews. Whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, these companies employ a […]

Can five-dollar accessories change the world? Maybe not, but thousands of bargain jewelry-wielding Paparazzi consultants are willing to try. Many of today’s hottest brands had humble beginnings. So too was the genesis of Paparazzi Accessories, an unassuming company turned jewelry powerhouse who began as little more than a pastime for sisters Misty Kirby and Chani […]

Starting with the July 2019 issue, Direct Selling News is introducing a new monthly ranking, the DSN Digital 100, that will offer added insight on the digital marketing efforts of direct selling companies. The goal of the DSN Digital 100 is to see who within the direct sales industry is executing a sound social media […]

Changes in the global environment for direct selling companies are happening rapidly on all fronts. Shifting consumer expectations, tighter regulations, increasing digital demands and new competitors are forcing us to examine ourselves inside and out—question who we are, what we’re about and how we want to move forward. We can shrink from these challenges, or […]