Perfectly Posh proudly says it owns its awesomeness and gives permission to its consultants and customers to do the same. It’s a pampering company that is a little edgy, mixing posh design with sweet, sassy and sometimes snarky messaging into fun and indulgent skin care products. PERFECTLY POSH Founded: 2011 Headquarters: Salt Lake City, UT Top […]

Photo: Southwestern group service project in Dominican Republic. “THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT OUR INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCES WITH SOUTHWESTERN PROVIDED was the development of character—doing what needed to be done whether we felt like it or not.” “Yes, the planning, goal setting and book-keeping were all good skills, but it was ‘hitting the wall,’ which we all […]

New Avon Founded: 1886 (New Avon 2016) Headquarters: New York City Top Executive: CEO Scott White Products: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Health and Wellness As he stepped off the stage, New Avon CEO Scott white could still hear the cheers reverberating throughout the convention hall. Before an audience of more than 6,000 of Avon’s North American representatives in Nashville’s famed […]