As network marketing companies aspire to broaden their reach into the vibrant and diverse markets found in LATAM and the US Hispanic demographic, several pivotal factors must be considered to maximize the chances of success. In this article, we explore the most critical priorities, while also providing insights into the considerable growth potential and current landscape of direct selling within these regions.
It is critical to appreciate the individuality of each LATAM market, but there is also a connective tissue within these cultures, from food and dance to familial and religious values, that transcends countries and continents.
Six months after expanding into Guatemala, Immunotec has officially opened for business in Colombia. A grand opening event was recently held in the heart of Bogotá, Colombia’s capital city, attracting over 4,000 enthusiastic attendees. Immunotec CEO Mauricio Domenzain and Meredith Berkich, president of North America and Europe, attended the event. “We’re tremendously excited to bring […]