MONAT Global is teaming up with John C. Maxwell, one of the world’s most sought-after leadership experts, to offer its exclusive mentoring program for another year. The MONAT Maxwell Certification was developed in 2019 as a yearlong course specifically for qualifying MONAT Directors. Course participants are taught how to identify and harness their strengths, grow […]

More than half of America is on board with podcasts. But what does it mean for direct selling? Video may be taking over the internet, but voice and audio are carving out a huge piece of the future of online marketing. With the rise of voice-activated assistant devices such as Amazon Eco and Google Home, […]

Those who are closest to me will determine the level of my success. Good leaders realize the significance of surrounding themselves with talented people. That’s why leaders repeatedly ask me, “How can I be sure to hire the right person?” I have never discovered a foolproof hiring practice, but I do know finding a great […]

You know the old saying, “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime”? What if that message is actually wrong? Stay with me, friends. I promise you this isn’t blasphemy. You see, teaching a man to fish won’t feed him for a lifetime… […]

A strong partnership divides the effort and multiplies the effect. I wrote a book called Intentional Living, and out of the 100-plus books I’ve authored, this one is the most important I’ve ever written. One of the things I teach in this book is the value of what I call Front End Thinking. This kind […]