Recent news of a Facebook breach might have a major impact on Information Technology Asset Management (ITAM) practices in the U.S. News just before Christmas that Facebook is allowing advertisers and marketers direct access to personal data—and even private conversations—may have the effect of accelerating consideration in the U.S. of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) privacy rules, according to […]
Avon Products, Inc. has announced it has reached a series of milestones in its plans to transform the digital capabilities of its Representatives and improve interactions with consumers. The London-based beauty company’s global digital platforms and experience team has launched a fully digitized, mobile-enabled, e-interactive brochure that allows Avon Representatives to connect quickly and effectively with their customers. Avon […]
Whether it’s a presentation during an in-home gathering, an impromptu meeting over coffee after work, a Facebook party or something else, direct selling representatives have more options than ever for sharing their respective products and business opportunities. What is it that moves a prospect to become a trialist and, ultimately, a customer? Clearly, the seller’s […]