DSN in partnership with Transformation Capital released the February Digital Momentum Index. Exiting the holidays, the full 100-company list saw increases in average monthly fan/follow growth and engagement across both platforms (Facebook and Instagram). Additionally, February saw an average increase in web traffic. January’s publication received significant international attention, and we are very excited to […]

A celebration of the powerful female founders who inspire, support and create accessible entrepreneurial paths. Ready or not, the direct selling industry is changing. Pushy sales tactics, promotions and sales pitches are out. What customers want and expect from brands is an organic feel to all of their interactions and an Instagram-worthy customer experience. Word-of-mouth […]

Changes in the global environment for direct selling companies are happening rapidly on all fronts. Shifting consumer expectations, tighter regulations, increasing digital demands and new competitors are forcing us to examine ourselves inside and out—question who we are, what we’re about and how we want to move forward. We can shrink from these challenges, or […]