Tupperware was ranked #13 on Newsweek’s list of 2024 Most Trustworthy Companies in America in the consumer goods category. The list featured 700 companies in 23 industries as determined by global data and business intelligence provider Statista, which surveyed 25,000 US residents and analyzed brand reputations online and within social media. Those included in the list were chosen for their trustworthiness, charitable initiatives, in-touch leadership, consistent product innovation and commitment to sustainability.
“I’m bursting with pride over this news,” said Tupperware President and CEO Laurie Ann Goldman. “A heartfelt thanks to our talented employees and dedicated sellers, plus consumers everywhere who trust us and our amazing products—you are the reason we earned this honor. We’ve always known and emphasized that trust is built by staying ahead of the times through product innovation and delivering time after time with product performance.”